3-Day Qigong Workshop Or
7-Day Qigong Retreat

Transforming the Effects of Chronic Stress,  Grief, Trauma, and Relationship Challenges

Cultivating creative energy
for emotional and physical healing and well-being

With Master Mingtong Gu

3-Days: ONLINE Workshop

NOVEMBER 13, 14, 15, 2020

7 Days: ONLINE Intensive Retreat

NOVEMBER 13 - 19, 2020

To Upgrade from Workshop to Retreat:
Click the Image Above & Use Your Promo Coupon Code
A personal message from Master Mingtong Gu

The world is now entering another time of transition as we are entering the fall season.  We are moving from cautiously remaining-in-place to a state of "what's next?"

Are you ready to continue to show up?  And, in what way?

Will you show up with fear and ignorance ...or care-full confidence?

Will you venture out feeling anxious or closed off to stay safe ... or full of compassionate courage?

Do you anticipate tightly guarding your heart as you experience a renewed bit of freedom ... or will you be able to keep your heart open and full of loving kindness, no matter what comes your way?

As we cultivate the deeper alignment of the energy throughout our body, mind, and heart, we can be aware of our choices and also the inner energy patterns from contraction to open flow.  We learn that when energy is flowing our experience of life moves from surviving to thriving to feelings of deep fulfillment.  When the energy is contracting we can also work with awareness, intention, and the transformation processes to increase our capacity to open the flow again.

During times of crisis and worry like this, it’s even more important to continue (or begin!) your Qigong practices to keep energy flowing.  Rather than allowing stress to take root in your body, you can learn to embrace daily challenges with self-care and self-compassion to make a shift from fearfulness to care-fullness.

Recent polls tell us that many in our community are experiencing a lack or depletion of energy and are concerned about keeping their immune systems healthy right now.  And, the aim of The Chi Center is to be a light in this storm — to help you find connection instead of isolation; and learn to turn worry and anxiety into thoughtful care; transform depression and a sense of loss into compassion and knowing; and transmute distress into courage.

Through the practices of Wisdom Healing Qigong you will learn that when we awaken and open more energy flow, we increase our resilience, the baseline of our health, accelerate healing, and increase our capacity to fulfill our life with more connection and joy.  

During these upcoming Retreats we will learn to embody all the fundamental practices of Wisdom Healing Qigong.  Every morning we will practice the Awaken Vitality Method

Five Organ System Sound Healing will support us in activating more love, compassion, creativity, confidence, and courage.  These cornerstone qualities of your inner life are the foundation for thriving and a deep sense of life fulfillment.  These are key essentials during these particularly challenging times.


...setting up your home environment to bestow yourself with comfort, uninterrupted time, and your full presence so that you can have the best 7-day (or 14-day) Retreat experience possible.  Practices and teachings during all of our Awakening and Healing Retreats offer real-time connection with Master Mingtong and dozens of others in community.

Through Online Retreats, you will

  • learn to receive, cultivate, and bring loving and healing energy to your home
  • have time to engage your mind and body, then integrate what you learn and experienced
  • have time to learn and practice gentle and meditative movements to help release energy blockages and increase the sense of aliveness throughout your body
  • open your heart to love, acceptance, courage, and compassion  — for healing yourself and the healing of others
  • experience deep connection with energy, community and humanity beyond distance and time
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Your November Livestream Options

plus A Bonus Integration Day - December 12, 2020
Emotional Balance & Resilience Weekend Workshop

Daily: Master Mingtong will address and offer direct guidance regarding your personal and collective issues and challenges, as well as lead a group healing session.

Day 1 & 2: Coming back to your body as home, cultivate compassion and acceptance, how to use Wisdom Healing Qigong (WHQ) practice to release stress, both daily and accumulative from the past.

Day 3: Cultivate love and joy in this time of crisis and healing through WHQ Sound healing Practice and meditation; how to use WHQ to enhance your immune system and all other systems of your body

Both the 3-Day and the 7-Day Programs are designed for you if you are...

  • feeling stressed, including emotional stress
  • searching for healing from anxiety and the effects of trauma
  • seeking resilience in the midst of our collective crisis or your personal health challenges
  • wanting to improve your health and energy 
  • ready to discover new ways of taking care of yourself and others in this time of isolation
  • asking deep questions and imagining a new version of Life for yourself and for humanity

Workshop replays will be available 24/7 until December 31, 2020

plus A Bonus Integration Day - December 12, 2020

Emotional Transformation to Open Your Heart Retreat

Daily: Master Mingtong will address and offer direct guidance regarding your personal and collective issues and challenges, as well as lead a group healing session.

Day 1 & 2: Coming back to your body as home, cultivate compassion and acceptance, how to use Wisdom Healing Qigong (WHQ) practice to release stress, both daily and accumulative from the past.

Day 3: Cultivate love and joy in this time of crisis and healing through WHQ Sound healing Practice and meditation; how to use WHQ to enhance your immune system and all other systems of your body.

Day 4: Activate the inner power of life, which is the source of healing and resilience, through connections within, with earth, with universe and with each other; how to use WHQ to reconnect your power in the healing chi field

Day 5: Upgrade your operating system to change your pattern which determine your baseline of health and happiness; how to use WHQ to realize your true potential for more health, deep healing and greater happiness

Day 6: Transform your fear to creativity as direct path to healing and life fulfillment; how to cultivate WHQ to realize deep wholeness and greater life fulfillment

Day 7: Integrate your mind, body, and heart as one energy system; how to integrate WHQ practice and life as commitment to healing of yourself and the world

Sliding Scale Pricing - Retreat
Learn more about Healing Intensive Retreats
with Wisdom Healing Qigong 

Retreat replays will be available 24/7 until December 31, 2020

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Develop Balance &  Resilience

Through all Practices of Wisdom Healing Qigong

Developing balance and resilience is the process of staying grounded, centered, and adapting well in the face of adversity, crisis, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress — such as trauma, family and relationship troubles, serious health challenges, or workplace and financial stressors.

As much as resilience involves recovery after times of crisis, we envision resilience as something more — "bouncing forward" (instead of bouncing back) in the midst of intensity and challenge. This happens often for resilient people — instead of waiting till the crisis is over, hoping to return back to where we began, we grow our capacities in the midst of the challenge AND end up in a new place, having developed new understanding, more compassion, and deeper self-awareness.  

Resilience is not about being tough, powering through, or putting on a brave face. In fact, the opposite may be true ... we may actually need to give ourselves a time-out to fully experience and accept our emotions, rest deeply, and transform the energy of stress in our system so it does not stay contracted and remain blocked, stuck, or stagnant.

Online Retreat Graduates Want You To Know...

"This online retreat has given me structure where there was untenable chaos and lack of direction. This is my safety net. It feels so good to be soaking me in the truth when before I felt so empty." — Emilie P.

"The online sessions through this time (ref: pandemic) have been life saving. I am spreading the word. It gets me up in the morning. I get dressed. Love seeing everyone on Zoom. It's wonderful energy. Incredible. Practicing every day and if I was doing it on my own I wouldn't do it as much. Master Mingtong is truly bringing the medicineless hospital to America. Keep doing what you are doing as it is literally saving lives."  — Noel F.

"This online program has been so opening for me in this time of ‘stopping’ and I feel this practice is truly an opportunity for the world to shift out of the crisis." — Terry M.

”I am always looking for inspiration as far as my health is concerned. From Lupus, I’ve had breathing and heart issues. Since my practicing this form of Qigong, those symptoms have all but disappeared! I feel better, can make it thru my days with more energy and I sleep better!”   — Constance H.

"The experience of being part of chi field and community made us feel less isolated and stressed." — Verona & Mire

"This has been a wonderful experience. I wondered how it would work and have been greatly surprised by how effective it is. Master Mingtong’s energy comes through as well as the energy from the Kiva. I loved having the casual experience of being at home with the extended relationships on the screen. I feel most supported, guided and connected with Master Mingtong and the group chi field.

"I’ve been to at least eight in-person retreats and this was surprisingly deep and just as powerful as being there in person. Plus I had my own special comfortable chairs and pillows to support me, not to mention my own bed and bathroom. I will do it again. Thank you for offering this. I loved it." —Judith F.

"The Chi Center’s online retreat greatly exceeded my expectations. Having been to previous retreats, I thought it would be a reflection of the retreat experience. But it was not a mere reflection. It was a full immersion. If you have never done a Wisdom Healing Qigong retreat or would like to do one and are not able to make the trip to New Mexico, this is an amazing option.

"As with onsite retreats, my experience during the online retreat was rich and deep, challenging and ”profoundly beneficial.“ ...the retreat, through Master Mingtong, the teaching staff, support staff and chi field, bestowed a thousand blessings upon me. After a year away from participating in online courses, this retreat was like coming home. Coming home to Wisdom Healing Qigong, coming home to my body (after an extremely challenging year), coming home to an amazing community of practitioners. And coming home to the wisdom that flows freely through them all."  — Pamela J, Carmel, CA

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Answers to Common Questions

Are you ready to experience direct energetic transmissions and teachings from an acclaimed Qigong Master?

Will I be able to experience the chi field from home?

Yes! Chi is everywhere, and as we join together in a beautiful group dynamic we then generate a local and non-local chi field, which will have a powerful effect on the progress of each individual in the group (including you!). Together we make this possible! We are ready to co-create healing miracles with you and we hope you are ready too.  

Who are Online Retreats designed to serve?
Online Retreats are open to everyone – no matter what your level of health and wellbeing, and no matter what previous experience you have (or don't have) with the practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong. These Retreats (although immersive) are gentle and perfect for anyone of any age, who is interested in enhancing and improving their health and wellbeing.
I'm not very tech savvy, what do I need to join the retreat.

Other than an openness to improve your personal health and wellbeing, you will also require a stable high-speed internet connection, as well as some space and time to dedicate to yourself. We have a team all ready to support you!  You can contact our online technology team via email at TechSupport@ChiCenter.com and they'll reply as promptly as possible.

How do the Online Retreats work?

▸▸ You’ll connect online with our Zoom video meeting from the Lotus Kiva where all Retreats are held – in person and online – so that you can learn and practice with Master Mingtong Gu and receive his transmission in the non-local chi field. His certified teachers will support and guide you in some practice sessions from their homes. The practice sessions involve gentle movements to free up your energy, as well as sound healings, and visualizations.

▸▸  All times are listed in the US Mountain time zone.  We begin each full day around 8:30am and end each evening around 8:30pm. (Times may change.) There are approximately 4 hours of break time every day. You can participate according to your personal schedule and time zone, and you will continue to have access to all the video recordings for 1-4 weeks after the live sessions end. We suggest you participate live AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, even if only a half-day at a time due to possible time zone differences.

▸▸ The live video broadcast will be hosted on Zoom, which is a two-way communication technology free to all viewers. It's best to have a good internet connection, a webcam, and microphone. This is the best long-distance support you can receive from Master Mingtong and the team!

What is the schedule and flow for each day*?

Day 1:   Afternoon Session 1:00pm-6:00pm; Dinner 6:00pm-7:30pm; Evening Session 7:30pm-8:30pm

Days 2-6:   Morning Session 8:30am-12:30pm; Lunch 12:30pm-2:00pm; Afternoon Session 2:00pm-6:00pm; Dinner 6:00pm-7:30pm; Evening Session 7:30pm-8:30pm

Day 7Morning Session only 8:30am-12:30pm

*Please note:  All published times are approximate and listed in US Mountain Time

Which Retreat is best for me?

Schedule your FREE call with a Retreat Expert who can coach you through your decision-making process on which retreat is best suited for you, and why.
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Your Thank-You Gifts
When You Enroll In This Online
Workshop or Retreat

Gift #2: Connections! -  $194 value
We are thrilled to be able to offer you a 60-DAY FREE TRIAL of our new livestream program  — CONNECTIONS!  — when you sign up now for either Online Retreat on this page. (Your 60-Day Free Trial is a $194 value!)

You can join the weekly CONNECTIONS! sessions as soon as you register for your Retreat(s). CONNECTIONS! is livestreamed on Zoom every Tuesday evening at 6pm US Mountain Time.  And, if you miss any session, you can catch the replays at your convenience by accessing your personalized Chi Center Library.

Once you sign up for your Retreat, your Thank You letter will have all the information about how you can start your free 60-Day Trial.  (And, if you're already a Member of CONNECTIONS! your account will be credited for two free months, too!)

Livestream 3-Day Workshop - November 13, 14, 15
Livestream 7-Day Retreat - November 13-19, 2020

We're excited to have you join us on a deep dive into an Online experience of Wisdom Healing Qigong with Master Mingtong Gu.

  You may choose to attend either the 3-Day Workshop, or the 7-Day Retreat, no matter what your level of experience.

 The first 3 days will be a weekend workshop for those with limited time.  If you elect to attend the weekend, plus the 4 following days — all 7 days in total — you will be able to cultivate even deeper healing!

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Qigong Healing Miracles:
Tom Loeswick
Tom Loeswick
In this video mini-documentary Tom credits his 3-year journey of attending Qigong Retreats followed up with coaching and Chi Center online trainings, to have completely transformed his experience of his day-to-day life and his connection to Source.

In his words, he now feels totally resourced to grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally with access to love, creativity, and wholeness every day.
What is the unique online experience of Wisdom Healing Qigong 
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"My Online Experience" shared by participants from around the world.
Best-selling Author, Researcher and Mind-Body speaker, Joan Borysenko
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"Wisdom Healing Qigong with Master Mingtong Gu is my best and most powerful experience of integrative healing."
Master Mingtong invites you to cultivate ancient wisdom through modern internet technology
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Master Mingtong Gu opens the doors to the Online The Wisdom Healing Qigong Center – developed to support the need of practice, guidance and community.
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Ready to Improve Your Health
And Nourish Your Spirit?
Experience the powerful healing connection of the Wisdom Healing Qigong community
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Our Amazing and Dedicated Team of Online Staff and Teachers Are Ready to Support You
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Livestream Online Qigong Retreats
Discover how to improve your health and wellbeing
(learn tools you can apply and benefit from immediately in life)
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Copyright 2020 The Chi Center
